Course Syllabus



Welcome to Mrs. Zimmermann’s ICP class! This year we will explore the worlds of chemistry and physics together, so be ready to learn a lot! The following information is intended to help you understand what the next year will be like and to help you anticipate any difficulties. Please read everything carefully, then sign and date the last page. Be sure to turn in your signature page before August 19, 2015 (Maroon day) or August 22, 2015 (Gold day) for full credit, or on the first day of school for extra credit!



You may contact me at: or through the "People" tab on Canvas. If it's urgent, use Canvas since I will get a text and reply quickly.

I have a Canvas site which you should already be enrolled in.

This will be regularly updated with worksheets, homework assignments, and any class announcements.


  1. Be respectful of and polite to your peers and teacher.
  2. Keep all bags, backpacks, and purses on the floor at all times
  3. Keep your lab area clean and tidy.
    1. If your lab area is not clean, you will lose 5 points on that lab.
  4. See rule #1.



You will need:

  • Calculator (four function is fine, so is graphing)
  • Note-taking materials
    • I suggest either a notebook and folder OR a 3-ring binder with divisions
    • Don’t forget the pencils!
  • Textbook: Physical Science: Concepts in Action
    • These will be provided in class and signed out by each student
    • I suggest leaving these books at home unless specifically requested for in-class use (it will be on the homework board if you need to bring it in)
    • If you return this book damaged you will be charged a fine of $34
    • If you fail to return this book you will be charged a fine of $79.47
  • Workbook: Physical Science: Concepts in Action
    • These will be provided in class for each student
    • You may leave this book at home unless specifically requested for in-class use
    • This workbook will be primarily used for extra credit assignments so don’t lose it!

I highly suggest:

  • 4-color pen or 4 pens of different colors (I will write on the board in four colors: black, blue, green, and red)
  • Highlighter(s)
  • Colored pencils (for graphs)
  • Ruler



This year, we will use Canvas as a means to communicate outside of school. If you have a question after school hours, you can communicate with your peers and with me using the “Message” function on our course page. Some homework assignments will need to be turned in through Canvas as well so be sure you know how to use it.

In addition to being used for homework, Canvas also holds copies of everything you might need for this course. That includes worksheets, labs, and practice tests. The “Assignments” page will be updated to include your homework assignments every class day so if you forget to write it down you can always check online!

The “Calendar” page holds information about upcoming tests and deadlines and the “Announcements” page will have test info as well as extra credit assignments so be sure to pay attention.



            You will find that scientists are often wrong. You will make mistakes and that is okay. Please do not be afraid to make a mistake in this classroom. You should never feel so pressured to be correct that you turn to plagiarism and dishonesty in this classroom. That being said, the CHS Rules and Regulations on Academic Dishonesty (pg. 40 in the student handbook) apply in this room. Should you be caught cheating or plagiarizing:

  • It will result in an automatic zero for that assignment. No exceptions.
  • The school will be notified.
  • Your parents will be notified by email or phone.



The following reflects the percentage point grading scale for this class:





97.0 & up


73.0 – 76.9


93.0 - 96.9


70.0 – 72.9


90.0 – 92.9


67.0 – 69.9


87.0 – 89.9


63.0 – 66.9


83.0 – 86.9


60.0 – 62.9


80.0 – 82.9


59.9 & below


77.0 – 79.9




Every score given in this classroom is based on a pre-determined set of requirements. If you are unhappy with a grade you receive and believe there has been an error, please come to me and we will talk it over.


Your final grades are calculated using the following weighted categories:

Homework: 30%

Tests/Quizzes: 30%

In-class Assignments (labs): 30%

Projects (1 per quarter): 10%


Notebook Checks

At the end of each unit/chapter, your notebook will be checked for points. Each section is worth two points. Each warmup is worth two points (one for writing it down, one for trying to answer it). If you take consistent notes and stay organized, you’ll get these points with no worries whatsoever.


Extra Credit

While there will be many extra credit opportunities in this class, I will not create extra credit assignments for any individual student to pass the class. Doing so would imply that all work up to that point would not matter. It would set you up for failure in the future and I refuse to do that to anyone.

That being said, there will be extra credit opportunities every chapter in the workbook and elsewhere and they will be announced during the school year so make sure you pay attention!


Tests and Quizzes

All tests and quizzes will be announced during class and their dates/point value/general information will remain on the homework board until after the test or quiz has been administered.

On the day of the test or quiz, you may receive some time to study before the assessment is administered, based on the amount of time needed for the assessment.

The assessment time will begin as soon as the first person received the test or quiz. All students should be quiet at this time! When you are finished with your test or quiz, please make sure that your name is legible, then place your assessment in the turn-in bin marked with your class period, following the instructions on the board. If there is time remaining, you may read, nap, or work on other assignments until the class period has ended. No cell phones should be out at any time during testing.



All homework will be written on the homework board at the beginning of class. I highly recommend copying any assignment into your planner before class begins. Homework will be collected or evaluated during the following class period.

All assignments are due at the beginning of class! Anything turned in afterwards will be counted as a late assignment.

If you do not have your homework the day it is due, you may fill out a “Missing Homework Sheet” on that day. If you require an extension due to extenuating circumstances, it will only be granted through one of these sheets.

You may turn in missing assignments the class day after they are due, but they will count as late.

If an assignment is late, it will be worth no more than half credit. For example, if the assignment consists of four parts, and you complete only two of them but turn it in late, you will only receive one-quarter credit (half of half credit).

If you miss the window for turning in work, it will turn into an automatic zero.

Homework may be turned in late until the ninth week of each marking quarter. The final days late homework will be accepted are as follows:

First Quarter: October 19th, 2016

Second Quarter: January 12th, 2017

Third Quarter: March 16th, 2017

Fourth Quarter: May 30th, 2017

If you try to turn in late work after the final deadline, I will not accept it.

I am not responsible for reminding you that you have missing homework. You’re a young adult, you’re smart enough to use Skyward and Canvas.



If you are absent from class and have an excused absence, you may turn in any assignment the following class period for full credit. The lateness policy will apply afterwards. If you miss more than one class day, please see me to work out a schedule for turning in missed work.

If you miss a test or quiz, you will have two weeks from the assessment day to make it up. Please see me to schedule a time to do so.


A TYPICAL DAY (What you should be prepared for)

At the beginning of class, you are expected to take your seat and begin work on the warmup on the board. During this time, I will take care of attendance and homework, as needed. Each day will consist of a lecture and activity or lab. I try to make my lectures as interesting as possible and my activities fun and meaningful. If you have a question, please ask! The only way I will know if you’re confused is if you tell me!

Additionally, you will often work with a partner (note how you’re sitting!), so be prepared to discuss your thoughts and ideas with your partner and with the class.

There will be a homework assignment given on most class days. It will be listed on the homework board at the beginning of class. The homework board will also note any upcoming tests, quizzes, or projects and information about them.



Some of the labs we will do this year can be hazardous. Every lab will have information in its directions of what guidelines to follow. A typical example is wearing goggles at all times. If you fail to comply with the safety guidelines for a lab you will be given a zero for the assignment and must return to your seat for the remainder of the lab.




As listed in the student handbook (pg. 42), students are not allowed to use personal devices at any time. This policy extends into my classroom. Please keep cell phone, iPods, MP3 players, Kindles, tablets, etc. off and away during class time. If I see it, you may receive one warning. If I see it again, I will take it from you. The first time, you will get it back at the end of class. The second time, you can pick it up at the end of the day. If there is a third offense, you will need to pick it up from the main office. After three offenses, a parent will need to pick it up for you. You can avoid all of these consequences by simply putting away your phone during class.

The exceptions to this rule are study time, when you are allowed to use Canvas to complete practice quizzes, and project time, when you may use your cell phone to complete basic research. If I see you are not using your cell phone in a way that supports your learning, the regular rules will apply and I will gladly save you from yourself.



If, as we go through the semester, you are not achieving the grades you would like, there are a few options you may pursue:

  1. Do every assignment with 100% effort and focus
  2. Pay attention in class, work with your partner, and ASK QUESTIONS
    1. Remember: the only stupid questions are the ones which aren’t asked
  3. Complete any missing homework assignments. Remember that you can get as much as half credit for these if you turn them in by the due date!
    1. Missing tests/quizzes which are not made up within two weeks of the assessment date will be counted as automatic zeroes and cannot be made up at a later date
  4. Stay after school or come during SRT for extra help
    1. I will be here almost every day after school. Please ask me before/after class if I will be here. When you arrive, don’t forget to sign in!
  5. Complete any extra credit assignments which are offered
    1. These will be offered regularly but I will not create extra credit assignments for individual students
    2. These may not be turned in late. They are due when they are due and after that effectively vanish.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due